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Couscous is an integral part of Moroccan cuisine and a staple food since ancient times. It is traditionally served for lunch on Fridays, but it can also be eaten for dinners, and for special occasions such as Eids and family gatherings.

There are many types of couscous in Morocco, but the base always remains the same. Traditionally, the couscous grains are flavored with salt and oil, then lightly hydrated with water, before being steamed in a double boiler (known as a couscoussier) for 3 rounds.

The final results is a light and airy couscous that is the perfect base for many dishes such as couscous with vegetables, couscous with Tfaya (Caramelized onions and raisins), couscous seffa, or even couscous salad.

Follow the dada's instructions and learn to perfect this staple Moroccan dish. Checkout our other courses to discover all the recipes you can make with couscous.

Special tools / ingredients: All ingredients are easily available in supermarkets or online stores.

You can also find all the essentials of Moroccan cuisine in the Flavors of Morocco Amazon store.

You do not need special tools or dishes to prepare this recipe.





- How to Make Couscous detailed video tutorial

- A PDF document with exact measurements and detailed steps of the recipe

- Moroccan Couscous with Chicken and Tfaya detailed video tutorial and PDF

- The course video is provided with English voice over and subtitles as well as Original Audio in Moroccan dialect with English subtitles
- Bonus videos are provided with English voice over and subtitles
- PDF documents are in English


Dada (Chef) Siham is a professional Moroccan chef with over three decades of experience under her belt. She is a true walking archive of Moroccan culinary knowledge and history.

Chef Siham learned to cook from her grandmother, who encouraged her to attend the best culinary institute in Morocco. 

After graduating, she worked as a chef at multiple renown institutions before starting her own business. She has now been running a major catering service in Fez for over 2 decades, supplying weddings, baptisms and other special occasions with authentic Moroccan dishes.