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Almond Ghriba is a beloved biscuit that is essential for family gatherings and special occasions in Morocco. Often alongside a piping hot cup of Moroccan mint tea.

Ghriba, which in Moroccan means "strange," is a term used to refer to a variety of round-shaped crinkle cookies.

These cookies are often considered gluten-free treats since they typically rely on a nut paste as their base; however, it's important to use gluten-free ingredients like baking soda and starch for them to be safely gluten-free.

This version of Ghriba, is made with almonds, which are blended with sugar to form the chewy base of the cookie. The paste is then flavored with lemon zest, and rolled into bite sized bites, before being coated in powdered sugar.

Once baked, the cookie must be allowed to cool completely so that it doesn't crumble. Then all that's left is to enjoy it with the hot drink of your choice!

Follow the dada's instructions, and learn to make this delicious cookie at home!

Special tools / ingredients: All ingredients are easily available in supermarkets or online stores.

You can also find all the essentials of Moroccan cuisine in the Flavors of Morocco Amazon store.

You do not need special tools or dishes to prepare this recipe.



- Moroccan almond ghriba detailed video tutorial
- A PDF document with exact measurements and detailed steps of the recipe

- The course video is provided with English voice over and subtitles as well as Original Audio in Moroccan dialect with English subtitles
- PDF documents are in English


Dada (Chef) Najat is a master Moroccan chef with more than 10 years of experience under her belt.

She first learned to cook from her mother, who was a personal chef for over 40 years, and who taught her the art of Moroccan cuisine.

Chef Najat then went on to graduate from one of the top Moroccan culinary schools before she worked as a chef and a recipe developer. Today, she runs a catering business in the capital city of Rabat.